The Syndicated Loan Market’s Highest Quality, Real-Time Data Source

Built by innovators, for experts, the Versana platform provides unprecedented transparency and real-time insight into loan-level details and portfolio positions – and in doing so, drives the next generation of trusted innovation in the syndicated loan market.

Know Your Flows

The Versana platform provides unprecedented visibility into loan portfolio cash flows. How? By digitally capturing administrative agents’ deal and transaction level data on a real-time basis.

Digital connectivity to admin agents’ data, ensuring the most up-to-date information
Real-time global commitments, outstandings, portfolio positions and interest accruals fund-by-fund
Immediate notifications of borrower-related principal prepayments, scheduled amortizations, interest and fee payments, repricings, base rate contract roll-overs and much more
Robust security controls to ensure that only permissioned users can view entitled private deal data

Core Platform

Easy to deploy, integrate and enhance over time, the Versana platform delivers the modern foundation that agent banks, institutional lenders, fund administrators and trustees need to transform the $5 trillion syndicated loan market.

Versana Reconciliation Module (VRM)

Centralized, Golden-Source Agent Data Meets Modern Technology

Finally, the ability to reconcile positions at any point in time using golden-source agent data — compressing resolution times and reducing costs to achieve end-to-end straight-through processing

Quickly Identify Position Breaks

Proactively reconcile positions against agents’ records, resulting in better portfolio management and decision making

Know the Missing Details

View event notices with the answer key in hand – no need to contact the agent as the same information is available at your fingertips

Resolve Breaks Efficiently

Accelerate time to resolution, eliminating time-consuming workflows and correspondence with agents, loan admins and trustees

Gain Unprecedented Transparency

Leverage visibility into point in time position data to clearly pinpoint discrepancies, ensuring greater efficiencies across your portfolios

Our Vision: A Transformed Syndicated Loan Market

Founded by leading agent banks and designed by heads of trading and operations from across the syndicated loan ecosystem, Versana has the backing and strong commitment from the market’s most prominent global banks – all in the name of enhancing transparency, efficiency and velocity.

Join the Transformation

If you are interested in becoming a client, data contributor or partner in helping us usher in a new era for the syndicated loan market, we want to hear from you.