Transformation Is Here.

A Better-Connected Loan Market Unlocks Endless Possibilities

The Market Is Talking:

We saw an opportunity to spur innovation in the loan market and joined with other leading agent banks to form Versana. By addressing many of the challenges inherent in the industry, the entire loan community will benefit from Versana.

Alex Naboicheck,
Head of U.S. Leveraged Loan Trading, Bank of America

Innovation like Versana’s is critical for enabling growth and longevity. Real-time sharing of information is at the center of today’s society, and enabling syndicated loan infrastructure to operate the same way will be a huge step forward.

Nina Guinchard,
Global Head of Transaction Management, Citi

The innovation that Versana is bringing to market is exactly what’s needed to increase velocity and spur growth for the entire industry. We are glad to join our peers in this effort to propel the market forward.

Mike Weir,
Managing Director, US Head of Loan Trading at Deutsche Bank

This exciting effort will lead the digital transformation of the syndicated loan reduce costs, increase efficiency, and...enable faster decision making to recycle and grow liquidity in the market.

Joseph Ferraiolo,
Head of Debt Capital Markets Operations & Merchant Bank Policy, JPMorgan Chase

Versana’s position as an industry-wide collaboration is in the spirit of LSTA’s mission, and we whole-heartedly applaud what Versana is setting out to do. It has been needed for a long time.

Lee Shaiman,
Executive Director, Loan Syndications & Trading Association (LSTA)

U.S. Bank is proud to be the first trustee on the platform, given the critical function we provide within the loan lifecycle. We are excited to be an early adopter and collaborator with so many other leaders in this market.

John Stern,
U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust and Custody

We are happy to join our industry peers in standing-up a platform, Versana, that aims to digitally transform and make more efficient the syndicated leveraged loan market to the benefit of all market participants.

John Gregory,
Head of Leveraged Syndicate, Wells Fargo’s Corporate & Investment Bank

As a global leader in the debt capital markets, we are thrilled to join Versana to support their U.S. growth, as well as lead them into the U.K. and European markets in the coming year. We’re excited to partner with our industry peers in this much needed initiative and accelerate the long-awaited digital transformation of this important asset class.

Tim Hartzell
Global Head of Portfolio Management, Barclays

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